In addition to designing our own work, we also undertake a small number of design commissions with individual organisations.
Some of our work so far ....
Stars Making the Difference Foundation Ltd 2011
The client required a logo and visual identity that would reflect their vision as a not-for-profit organisation providing personal leadership training for Indigenous Australians.
Representation of Oral Language and Education of Mathematics Programme (RoLEM), Faculty of Education, Australian Catholic University 2009-2010
The client required a concept design and logo that captured the vision of the RoLEM programme which worked with young parents of early years children in Indigenous community school.
Deadly Maths Programme, Faculty of Education, Queensland University of Technology 2008-2009
The Deadly Maths programme required a logo that would capture the vision of their programme which supports schools and teachers aides in mathematics education.
Patient's Journey Project Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ear Health Programme, Royal Children's Hospital, Brisbane 2005
The client required illustrations that would illustrate the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents journey through the Queensland Health System and the factors that influenced their experiences of health.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ear Health Programme, Royal Children's Hospital, Brisbane 2003-2004
The client required a full concept design, including name and logo that would appeal to the client base - the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. Blacklines developed three childrens characters of the age appropriate to this programme (0 - 5 years old).